Diversity and Inclusion Policy

ARK places strong value on inclusion and wants to see all people, regardless of their disability, gender, race or religion know the value that they have and their place in community. We want to treat every individual with dignity and respect – our staff, members, volunteers and suppliers.

In our workspaces and teams

ARK is committed to ensuring, within the framework of the law, that our workplaces are free from unlawful or unfair discrimination on the grounds of disability, race, sex, pregnancy or maternity, gender reassignment, sexual orientation, age, married or civil partnership status, religious or other similar philosophical belief (Protected Characteristics). ARK observes, as far as practicable the Codes of Practice published by the Equality & Human Rights Commission, and the Equality Act 2010. We aim to be a fully inclusive employer & coworking provider, where we value difference in our people and use these differences to make us a stronger. We also expect our members and suppliers to share this commitment, to:

  • No employee is treated less favourably than any other on any grounds other than their ability or potential to perform their roles satisfactorily.

  • Unfair and discriminatory action is avoided at all times.

  • We encourage a diverse organisation in which all individuals may contribute as fully as possible.

  • Employees are deterred from participating in harassment or discriminatory behaviour.

  • We demonstrate to all staff that they can rely upon the company’s support in cases of harassment or discrimination at work.

  • Our services are welcoming and open to all members of the community (regardless of their faith and religious background).

  • Our services meet the needs of the members whom we serve by ensuring we consult them wherever practicable in the spirit of partnership.

  • Where possible our workforce reflects the diverse communities we serve.

  • We consider the needs of diverse communities and develop appropriate methods to communicate with them.

  • We are aware of local demographic profiles and respond accordingly to ensure we remain accessible by accommodating the requirements of others in compliance with this policy.

  • Our offices and services are made accessible where practically possible

  • Appropriate training is delivered to ARK staff so that we have the necessary knowledge and skills to implement the policy.

  • Action is taken, as required, to deal with non-compliance with the policy.

  • We evaluate our policies and services on a regular basis and rectify any adverse impact on any group.

  • We offer support which reflects the needs of each individual taking into account the cultural needs of all members.

  • We take take steps to meet the needs of groups who share protected characteristics and encourage groups to participate in activity in which their participation is disproportionality low.

For our suppliers

We also expect our suppliers to make sure that working conditions meet (or exceed) international labour standards:

  • There is no forced labour and employment is freely chosen

  • The right of freedom of association is respected and encouraged by the employer

  • No child labour is used

  • Living wages are paid (wages should always be enough to meet basic needs and to provide some discretionary income)

  • No harsh treatment is used or discrimination practised

  • Workers are not pressurised to undertake overtime they do not wish to do

  • A safe and hygienic working environment shall be provided.

We expect our suppliers to:

  • Put in place sufficient systems to monitor and take responsibility for compliance with social policies

  • Conduct regular assessments of their operations to identify eventual non-compliance cases

  • Develop remediation plans to resolve non-compliance cases

  • Regularly monitor the effective implementation of remediation plans

  • Make sure that their suppliers and subcontractors ensure that workers’ conditions in their operations meet or exceed the above standard.

These policies should be read in conjunction with other ARK policies.