Exploring new ideas that benefits the community in your network?

Do you have an idea for your community, that you’d love to see your network get involved with?

You might be a church network thats looking at new ways to equip churches to find or utilise buildings that reach the local community, or facilitate new sustainable models of church planting.

Or you might be a faith-based network looking to better support entrepreneurs and businesses looking to pioneer new ideas in partnership with churches.

We would love to share our expertise with you and help you figure out the next step on your journey.

We understand the challenges that come with running a network and finding ways to resource innovative new ideas that impact church life.

We can help churches and entrepreneurs in your network to demonstrate good stewardship of their buildings, fulfilling requirements from building inspections and strategies for maintenance. We also help networks reach targets set for mission, the environment, income generation and facilitating church planting.

We’ve done it before. And, we can’t wait to do it again. Have a read of the pathway below, and get in touch if you would like to start exploring your project with our support.


  • 30 minute initial phone call with the ARK base team to share your idea with us, get some initial feedback, and hear more of our own ARK story.

    Book a call: Find a time

    Pricing: Free!

  • 2 hour consultation call with your team to discuss in greater detail your project. We’ll look at possible challenges and creative solutions. We’ll also help you discern the next practical steps toward making your project a reality.

    Pricing: £150

  • We will meet you, spend a day working with you and your team if you have one, hearing your vision for the ways your social enterprise idea can impact your community for good.

    We’ll share our personal experience of running ARK over the past 8 years, both the highs and lows, but more importantly we want to hear your heart and hopes for your space. Together, we will workshop the challenges and millstones ahead, and begin to envision what your creative community could look like in reality.

    We have found the practical, relational and vision based work we do really comes alive when being able to talk together.

    Pricing: £500

  • All ideas need to be tested.

    The best way to start is to conduct a consultation of the local community assessing, the demographic and it’s needs.

    We will undertake a feasibility study for you, including market research, initial financial modelling, and concept designs.

    This is a great way to draw in other stakeholders for their feedback, including members of your congregation and local area, and consider the costs and fundraising that would be required.

    Pricing: £1,000

  • We will draw together everyone’s feedback by pulling together a more detailed proposal that can be used for fundraising and committee approvals.

    This includes firming up the financial modelling, finalising designs, and incorporating the types of systems and processes needed in place to work with your existing operational structures.

    We can work alongside experts, such as architects, building control, structural engineers, Health & Safety consultants, to finalise plans for the space so that it can be "ready to go".

    Pricing: £5,000

  • Everything you need to run your day-to-day business.

    We’ll share our know-how, policies, and basic training for the leader of your space, giving them advice & pastoral support as they journey through the setting up of a new space. This includes equipping you with contract templates, health and safety processes, cleaning guidelines and more.

    Fundraising is a big component to come together to release the potential for your space. We will work with you to identify grant-making bodies and other financial support to help you reach your target. We’re able to work in a phased way, so can adapt plans to release activity with your fundraising milestones.

    Pricing: £5000

  • Our help doesn’t have to stop once you’ve started.

    We’d love to continue collaborating to guide you through start-up phase and on into a sustainable business is available for all the snags in the road. Meet other likeminded enterprises also on the journey and share experiences.

Get in touch

If you would like an initial call, to discuss an idea, connect with the team or just to hear we’d love to talk:

Alternatively use our contact form to get in touch:

We don't want you to miss the opportunity to have our support if you can't afford the full amount. If you're in this position, and cost is a barrier, we would love to speak further.

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